Streamlining Processes &  Fostering Community  for Canada’s SAHs

Embark revolutionizes the journey of refugee sponsorship. Designed with heart and expertise, our platform simplifies the intricate processes of sponsorship applications, ensuring a path of clarity, compassion, and community for Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and the families they support. With Embark, transform your intent into actions.

Simplifying The Process

Custom designed by Flourishing Systems for the Edmonton-based SAH IslamicFamily , Embark is your partner in unlocking unprecedented efficiency and impact in refugee sponsorship.

Designed by the IslamicFamily and powered by frontline insights, Embark is your partner in unlocking unprecedented efficiency and impact in refugee sponsorship.

secure journey

A New Era 

Embark simplifies the intricate processes of sponsorship applications from eligibility to the 13th month and beyond.

Embark ensures a path of clarity, compassion, and community for Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) and the families they support.

Streamlining Processes &  Fostering Community  for Canada’s SAHs

Embark transforms hours into minutes, freeing up precious time by dramatically reducing the hours spent per application. Our precision-driven system minimizes errors, ensuring each application is managed with utmost accuracy and care.

Notifications & Alerts

Staff, reviewers, and applicatns never miss an important update with proactive, tailored notifications - even from IRCC.

Simplified Decision-Making

Simplify complex decisions with our standardized yet customizable selection matrix.

Easy Document Management

Securely store, access, and manage all necessary documents in one central repository. Your data security and privacy are paramount.

Streamlined Digital Transformation

Embrace a paperless process with our automated, user-friendly digital workflow saving hundreds of hours per application.

Inspired by Humanity. Designed for You.

Thanks to IslamicFamily Society, Flourishing Systems understands that technology can be daunting. That's why Embark is crafted to be intuitive, inclusive, and straightforward. 

Experience a seamless journey from application submission to long-term engagement, supported by our comprehensive guidance at every step.

Building Stronger Bonds, One Refugee Story at a Time 

Embark isn't just about processes; it's about people. Share success stories, engage in community forums, and celebrate the milestones of the families you've sponsored. 

Be part of a supportive network that thrives on mutual growth and shared experiences.

Embark’s Features at a Glance

Eligibility Checker:

With the Eligibility Checker, SAHs gain a streamlined pathway to identify qualified applicants swiftly, ensuring that energy and resources are allocated efficiently. This not only accelerates the sponsorship process but also maximizes the chances of successful outcomes for refugees seeking a new beginning.

Robust Applicant Management:

Our Applicant Management system offers an intuitive, centralized platform for managing all aspects of the refugee application process. From the initial application to the 13th month, Embark provides a comprehensive suite of tools for tracking progress, documenting necessary information, and communicating with applicants.

Comprehensive Review Management:

This critical feature facilitates the thorough evaluation of each application. It enables reviewers to efficiently assess, annotate, and collaborate on applications, ensuring a comprehensive and fair review process. This feature supports multiple levels of review, from initial assessments to final approvals to arrival planning features.

SAHs can ensure a meticulous and equitable review process, enhancing the integrity and quality of refugee sponsorships. This feature aids in minimizing errors, speeding up the decision-making process, and ultimately improving the success rate of applications, thereby accelerating the journey of refugees towards a stable and secure future.

Notifications & Alerts:

The Notifications & Alerts feature is designed to keep all constituents informed and engaged throughout the sponsorship process. It automatically sends timely updates and reminders about important deadlines, tasks to be completed, and any changes in application status. Customizable to meet the unique needs of each SAH, this feature ensures that critical information is never missed.

By leveraging Notifications & Alerts, SAHs can maintain a proactive stance in managing their sponsorship activities. This feature eliminates the risk of delays caused by overlooked tasks or missed communications, fostering a more responsive and efficient process. It not only enhances collaboration among team members but also ensures a smoother, more supportive experience for refugees.

Pre- and Post-Arrival Tracking:

Pre and Post-Arrival Tracking is an essential feature designed to support the continuity of care for refugees from the moment they are approved until well after their first year. This tool enables SAHs to plan, monitor, and manage all pre-arrival preparations and post-arrival adjustments, including housing, education, healthcare, and community integration activities. It ensures that every aspect of the resettlement process is accounted for and executed smoothly.

With Pre and Post-Arrival Tracking, SAHs are equipped to provide comprehensive support that extends beyond the initial welcome. This feature ensures that refugees are not only brought to safety but are also given the foundation for a successful new life. By facilitating detailed planning and follow-through, the tracking tool helps minimize the uncertainties and challenges faced by newcomers, fostering a smoother transition and a more positive resettlement experience for all involved.