Our Genesis

Flourishing Systems emerged from a strong commitment to enhance social services through the power of technology. Born out of initiatives by the Islamic Family Social Services Association (IFSSA) and other pioneering non-profits, our roots are firmly planted in a history of compassionate service and innovative solutions.

Our Vision

At Flourishing Systems, we see a world where high-impact organizations have sustainable access to the power to profoundly transform lives through intelligent technology.

We are dedicated to reimagining how social services can leverage technology to amplify their impact and streamline operations, ensuring that they can focus more on what truly matters: the people they serve.

Our Mission

Our mission is straightforward: to envision, equip, and empower social services to amplify impact and streamline operations.

We offer solutions that unlock the potential of frontline workers, enabling them to manage and execute their tasks with greater efficiency and less stress.

helping hand

As a wholly owned subsidiary of IslamicFamily Social Services Agency, Flourishing Systems leverages the robust foundation and ethical commitment of its parent organization to guide its operations and objectives. This relationship enriches our understanding of the challenges faced by social services and enhances our ability to design solutions that are both effective and empathetic.

Our Values


We champion bold ideas and take calculated risks to break new ground in the social sector.


Our designs and solutions are born from a deep understanding of the challenges and aspirations faced by social service providers AND their clients.


We foster an open environment where conversation is not just welcomed, but integral to our development process.


We equip organizations with the tools, knowledge, and skills necessary to become strong, independent forces for change in their communities.


Our tools are crafted to be user-friendly, ensuring that anyone, regardless of their tech proficiency, can enhance their capabilities.

Our Products

Flourishing Systems offers a range of specialized products tailored for the social services sector:

Transform: Streamlines operations and enhances client care for social workers.

Embark: Simplifies the refugee sponsorship process, enhancing efficiency and community integration.

Amplify: Enhances community engagement and resource mobilization (details forthcoming).

Our Services

To complement our products, we provide comprehensive services to ensure seamless integration and ongoing effectiveness:

Consulting: Customized advice for integrating our technology with your existing processes.

Training: Hands-on training sessions to equip your team with the skills needed to utilize our products effectively.

Support: Continuous support to address any operational issues promptly and maintain service continuity.

Our Resources

Our Resources

Our resource hub is designed to keep you informed and inspired:

Blog Articles: Updates on industry trends and practical tips.

Whitepapers: In-depth analysis on crucial topics in social services.

Webinars: Interactive sessions with industry experts.

Case Studies: Real-world applications and testimonials of our products at work.

Our Team

  • Omar Yaqub holds an ICD.D DSL MBA & BSc. His work has focussed on governance, innovation and social impact. He is a passionate Edmontonian.

    Omar Yaqub

    Managing Partner, Flourishing Systems

    Omar Yaqub
  • A curious learner seeking to solve complex problems leveraging technology.

    Raj Rajakumar

    Director of Strategy, Flourishing Systems

    Raj Rajakumar
  • Fiaz breaks new ground through entrepreneurial zeal and resolving challenges, achieving remarkable outcomes.

    Fiaz Mohammed

    Systems Designer, Flourishing Systems

    Fiaz Mohammed

Connect with Flourishing Systems

Flourishing Systems is about more than just technology; it's about fostering a community dedicated to the innovative transformation of social services. We invite collaboration from organizations, individuals, sponsors, and stakeholders eager to make a real difference in this field. Whether it's enhancing operational efficiency or integrating complex technologies, we are ready to support your journey towards greater impact.

Reach out to us to discuss how we can work together to achieve your goals and drive meaningful change in social services.